What to do with injured wild animals

If you find an injured wild animal, watch it first to see how badly hurt it is.

If possible, contain the animal before calling – see advice below.

Contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999
OR take it to a nearby vet or wildlife rehabilitator


Wild animals can scratch and bite when frightened, particularly if they are injured.
If in doubt, keep a safe distance and call the RSPCA.

Apply common sense when approaching an injured animal:

Capture and boxing

If it’s safe to catch and handle the animal, then, wearing suitable gloves, quickly place it into a secure cardboard box with ventilation holes, lined with towel or newspaper. Keep the animal quiet and take it to a vet, RSPCA wildlife centre or local wildlife rehabilitator, (but note not all have been inspected by the RSPCA).

It’s often faster to take an animal to a vet yourself as your nearest RSPCA officer may be out of the area attending other calls.

IF you are NOT able to transport the animal to your local vet or local wildlife rehabilitator yourself, then call the RSPCA on the 24 Cruelty Line on 0300 1234 999 to report cruelty or an animal in distress.
Information provided by the RSPCA.

Report the Wildlife Crime

It is important once the injured animal has been seen to, to also report their injury as a wildlife crime.

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